Featured Guest Robert Mc Chesney Author of The Death and Life of American Journalism | | Print | |
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Guest: Robert Mc Chesney It is a frightening fact that, in a time of unprecedented advances in communication technology, the quality of that communication is in sharp decline. Indeed in American Culture, quality journalism seems to be in crisis. Newspapers are closing, broadcast news rooms are being emptied of some of the brightest and most experienced reporters and public scrutiny of public business...particularly in the government...is absent at best and intentionally skewed at worst. The Founding Fathers considered a free press to be a crucial counterbalance to other powers in society...powerful business, powerful government...but that counterbalancing force is in meltdown. Robert McChesney brings his educated viewpoint to this crisis in the communications era. McChesney is the author of several books on media and politics, professor of communication at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, host of the weekly talk show, Media Matters, on WILL-AM radio, and cofounder of the media reform organization Free Press. Free Press Co Founder and journalist John Nichols is his collaborator on this important new book Not only does "The Death and Life of American Journalism" Take a close look at the forces...some economic, some accidental and some deliberate...that have put the craft of the journalist in a state of crisis...but the book also details how the same social and technological forces that have endangered the craft can revitalize it...and revitalize America in the Process. Hosted by Steve Murphy. Brought to you by "The Law Business Insider" Contact:Guest: Robert Mc Chesney EXECUTIVE PRODUCER & HOST: |
Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 June 2017 00:29 |