Featured Guest America’s Success Coach Jack Canfield, Hosted By Steve Murphy PDF  | Print |  E-mail


The Law Business Insider

America’s  #1 TalkRadio Show

"Prominent Newsmakers Series"

Featured Guests:

Jack Canfield
Jack Canfield
America’s Success Coach
& Best-Selling Author


Steve MurphySteve Murphy
Host & Executive Producer
The Law Business Insider

When it comes to success, Steve gets Jack Canfield to talk of what he knows best: he is co-creator, with Mark Victor Hansen, of the seemingly endless Chicken Soup for the Soul series. He presents 64 success principles that he claims "always work"—and draws on his own experience and that of others to illustrate them. Sixty-four principles may seem like a lot, but each receives a concise, easy-to-digest chapter that challenges readers to risk creating their lives exactly as they want them.

Many of the principles are familiar—e.g., "Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life"—but Canfield has a nifty way of summarizing them ("Reject rejection"), and some are inventive: "Become an Inverse Paranoid" means see the world as out to help you instead of out to get you.

Jack also tells Steve what specific techniques, such as positive-thinking exercises and visualizations work best. A section on transformation provides even more on how to overcome self-defeating beliefs, fears and habits. Further sections offer principles on building good teams and better relationships at the office.

Canfield acknowledges his predecessors in the success advice field, such as Napoleon Hill, and is also clear that while he gives information, motivation, and inspiration, readers must contribute their own hard work. Canfield's energy and enthusiasm bounce off the page; many will flock to this inspiring (and very rich) teacher. And those starting off in business or in need of a refresher course may consider this title required reading.

Tune in and listen to this exclusive interview with Jack Canfield,
Hosted by Steve Murphy, at The LawBusiness Insider

Hosted by Steve Murphy.

Steve Murphy

Brought to you by "America's Premier Lawyers"


Jack Canfield
America’s Success Coach
& Best-Selling Author

Steve Murphy
Executive Producer & Host

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